Dr Diana Day PhD FAICD

Dr Day has 30 years’ experience as an independent non-executive director of federal and state statutory authorities, the private sector, government R&D and advisory organisations, higher education, and, social enterprises.

Strong leadership roles in the academic research sector and public administration are part of Diana’s background.

Diana chairs the Queensland Ministerial Advisory Council for flood mitigation manuals for Brisbane’s major water supply dams, and chairs the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Audit and Compliance Committee. She is Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and serves on its NSW Advisory Council, contributing to professional development of Australian company directors.

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Dr Day has contributed to technology innovation, cross-sectoral partnerships, social research, and business strategy across Australia’s economy including in:-  agricultural sustainability; environmental and water security; catchment and freshwater protection; climate variability adaptation; infrastructure strategy; and, evaluation of national R&D & commercialisation programs.

Diana’s deep collaborative experience working within national and state multi-stakeholder environments contributed to the development of Australia’s National Water Quality Management Strategy, and, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Previous appointments include: Chair, Atlas of Living Australia; Chair, NSW Fisheries Appeal Panel; Associate Professor, Indigenous Education, University of Sydney, and boards, including Sydney Water Corporation;  Murray-Darling Basin Authority; Fisheries R&D Corporation;  Meat and Livestock Australia, Ltd., and, the CRC for Irrigation Futures. 

Diana is in private practice as an executive and professionals career coach. She is mentor for the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, the Australian Water Association and the Peter Cullen Water and Environment Trust.