Peter Runcie

Natural Hazards & Smart Cities Theme Leader

Peter leads NSSN’s Bushfire and Smart Places & Buildings Grand Challenges as well as various programs addressing natural hazards, resilience and smart cities.  He brings a wealth of experience in sensing, technology research and development with an emphasis on translation of research to impact.

In previous roles Peter was Data61’s New Industries and Platforms Leader and National ICT Australia’s Smart Infrastructure lead. Peter also has considerable industry experience having had various technical and management roles for Avaya USA, Bell Laboratories, Woolworths, GIO Australia and several SMEs including as the CIO of a technology based retail startup.

Peter is also the director of a consultancy firm specialising in corporate and technology strategy, innovation program development and research support services.

Peter is an inventor on 29 granted international patents in voice and video communications, data networking and biometrics, civil engineering and data analytics.

Peter holds an MBA (Exec) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

Peter is also Vice Chair of the Australian Computer Society’s IoT Technical Committee and member of numerous committees including the Australian Computer Society’s Technical Advisory Board, NSW Government Smart Places Advisory Council, City of Parramatta Smart Cities Advisory Committee, Australian Network for Structural Health Monitoring and Standards Australia Sustainable Cities Technical Committee IT-268.

Recent board positions have included Vice President of the Australian Smart Communities Association and Treasurer of the Australian Citizen Science Association and NSSN board member.