NSSN Grand Challenges Grant Program: activating research and development in NSW

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The NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) is calling on research, industry and government stakeholders to form collaborative proposals and apply for funding under the NSSN Grand Challenges Grant Program announced today.

The Grant Program has been established to promote the development of innovative, collaborative research projects that advance smart sensing solutions to the four NSSN Grand Challenges: bushfires, water, COVID-19, and ageing

Grants of up to $100,000 per project will support the development of initiatives that link with industry or government partners and devise a smart sensing solution with a defined pathway to genuine impact, either through commercialisation or operationalisation. One project per Grand Challenge will be awarded funding in FY20/21.

“As NSW emerges from the economic repercussions of COVID-19, it will be innovation and digital transformation that drive prosperity. Key to that innovation is translation of the outstanding R&D occurring in our universities to real-world impact” said Nicholas Haskins, COO of the NSSN.

“Whether measured by commercial outcomes for industry or improved outcomes for NSW citizens by government agency partners, the NSSN Grand Challenges Program is calibrated towards measurable impact”.


To be eligible, funding proposals must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Leadership: be led by an NSSN member university.

Collaboration: involve a minimum of two NSSN member universities (incl. the lead).

Partnership: partner with at least one industry or government partner.

Co-investment: attract cash co-investment from industry/government partners at least equal to the requested amount.

Proposals that do not meet these criteria will not be assessed. 

Assessment criteria

Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria:

Project: how the proposal advances smart sensing science in its field and presents a tangible, innovative solution to the defined Grand Challenge. 

Collaboration: how the proposal integrates and fosters genuine collaboration between NSSN member universities. 

Partnership: how the proposal integrates genuine partnership with industry and government partners and responds to a defined industry or government need.

Governance: how the proposal defines a realistic research plan and the measures that will ensure delivery on milestones.

Impact: how the proposal defines a pathway to subsequent funding, commercialisation and/or operationalisation.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant NSSN Theme Leader before submitting a proposal. The NSSN can provide assistance in connecting applicants with relevant industry and government partners. 

NSSN Theme Leaders

Ageing & COVID-19 Grand Challenges: Jane Evans.

Bushfire & Water Grand Challenges: Dr Tomonori Hu.

Submission time frame

Applications are now open and will close at 5pm on Friday, 9 April 2021.

To learn more about NSSN Grand Challenges, please click here.

To learn more about NSSN member universities, please click here.

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