Trailblazing women in science to lead the 2025 Women in Sensing Summit
Two internationally recognised scientists will headline a stellar lineup at the NSSN’s first Women in Sensing Summit: Leaders in Sensing Frontiers in Sydney in May.
Physicist, CSIRO Board member and Australia’s 9th Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley, and renowned Wildlife Scientist and Science Communicator Dr Vanessa Pirotta will deliver keynote speeches at the summit.
Wildlife Scientist Dr Vanessa Pirotta (left) and Australia’s 9th Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley (right).
Diversity champion and NSSN Deputy Chair Dr Jill Freyne says the all-day summit will feature trailblazing scientists, industry pioneers, visionary leaders and cutting-edge advancements.
NSSN Deputy Chair Dr Jill Freyne
“At the NSW Smart Sensing Network, we’re thrilled to launch the inaugural Women in Sensing Summit,” Dr Freyne said.
“It is a day to celebrate the tremendous contributions of women in smart sensing and to support and inspire future leaders to shape the future of Australia.”
The NSSN Women in Sensing event series started in 2022 with the aim of profiling women researchers and leaders from across the innovation network of eight universities. The events provide inclusive platforms for networking and identifying collaborative opportunities.
The inaugural Women in Sensing Summit will feature two engaging fireside chats following each keynote speech, giving the audience a unique opportunity to explore the career journeys of leading researchers.
The first chat will be between Dr Foley and Dr Freyne, while the second will feature Dr Pirotta in conversation with NSSN Board Member and Cicada Innovations’ Group Director of Technology and Commercialisation, Hebbat Manhy.
The event also features three insightful panel discussions.
NSSN Board Chair Jo White
The Research & Innovation Leaders panel moderated by NSSN Board Chair Jo White features experimental Physicist and Director of the Superconducting Quantum Circuits Laboratory at the University of Sydney Dr Xanthe Croot, and Head of the NanoTech Laboratory at Macquarie University, A/Prof Noushin Nasiri.
Research Leader at the Defence, Science and Technology Group, Priscilla Thwaites and Executive Director at the Data Science Institute at UTS, Distinguished Professor Fang Chen are also on the panel.
“From quantum sensors and biomedical devices to environmental monitoring and industrial applications, these distinguished researchers will share their cutting-edge work and vision for the future of sensing,” Ms White says.
The Sensing Meets Impact panel moderated by Hebbat Manhy will feature Co-founder of Xylo Systems, Camille Goldstone-Henry; Climate Tech Head at KPMG Australia, Kylie Little; and CEO and Co-Founder of Navbit, Lynette Walter.
Hebbat Manhy
“This powerful panel brings together founders and industry experts who've built transformative companies by seeing beyond conventional boundaries,” Ms Manhy says.
“They are reshaping how sensing technology and artificial intelligence converge to solve critical challenges from healthcare to environmental conservation.”
The Quantum Leap panel will be moderated by Co-Founder of Quantum Women, Biliana Rajevic.
It will feature two speakers from Q-CTRL, Senior Scientist Claire Edmunds and Chief Scientific Officer Michael Hush; Program Manager at Quantum Brilliance, Bianca Sawyer; and Head of Business Development at Nomad Atomics, Kerrie Jackson.
Biliana Rajevic
“This panel will explore the diverse pathways to success in the quantum technology industry,” Ms Rajevic said.
“Our speakers will share their experiences and insights, discussing career trajectories, key challenges, and the exciting opportunities available to professionals in quantum technology.”
The summit will provide great opportunities for mentorship and collaboration. Founder and Director of social enterprise Franklin Women, Dr Melina Georgousakis, will conduct a session about the power of mentorship.
“There is good evidence on the impact that professional relationships like mentoring and sponsorship can have on the careers of women and other represented groups in STEMM,” Dr Georgousakis said.
Dr Melina Georgousakis
“The challenge is we are not often provided the tools to put these relationships in to practice.
“I am looking forward to joining the Women in Sensing Summit to share learnings through the Franklin Women community, as well as practical tips on how we can all make the most of mentoring.”
The Women in Sensing Summit will be held at the The Collider in Haymarket.
The event is proudly being supported by VideoTranslator, the UNSW-UTS Trustworthy Digital Society, Quantum Australia, Cicada Innovations, Franklin Women, and Quantum Women.
Register by 15 April to secure the Early Bird rate for the Women in Sensing Summit.