NSW Government launches Bushfire Technology Pilots Program - Round 2

The second round of the Bushfire Technology Pilots Program (BTPP) is now open. Applications close at 17:00 on the 14 December 2022.

The NSW Government established the Bushfire Technology Pilots Program (BTPP) under the NSW Bushfire Response R&D Mission to accelerate the commercialisation and adoption of bushfire technologies and services in NSW.  The BTPP provides funding support through a competitive process for eligible companies and organisations with technologies that are ready to be trialled or piloted in an operational environment.

The total amount of grant funding available for this round is $2.6 million, with applicants able to apply for up to $250,000 (excluding GST) per grant application.

Further, the Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer is partnering with the Minderoo Foundation on the BTPP. There are strong strategic alignments between the Minderoo’s Flood and Fire Initiative and the NSW Bushfire Response R&D Mission. For consenting applicants, the Minderoo Foundation will assess applications at their discretion may provide additional or separate funding through associated existing programs and/or collaborations that are aligned to their Fire Shield Mission.

The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer is now accepting applications.

Further information, including the guidelines and access to the application form (hosted on SmartyGrants), can be found at: Bushfire Technology Pilots Program | Chief Scientist. The application form is also available from the NSW Grants and Funding Finder website.

The NSSN can provide support in connecting into the Program and developing collaborative projects that address the bushfire challenge. For advice and assistance please contact the NSSN Bushfire Grand Challenge Lead, Peter Runcie.

Nicholas Haskins