NSSN breakfast event illuminates pathways to innovation and commercialisation

Image: Professor Julie Cairney, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise and Engagement) at the University of Sydney.

Autonomous drones, sensors for seamless connectivity and wearable devices for health were among the topics discussed at today’s Successfully Adopting Smart Sensing Technologies Breakfast Series.

Hosted by the NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN), Investment NSW and the University of Sydney, the event showcased the innovation and commercialisation pathways that arise when industry and government collaborate with universities.

Image: Professor Benjamin Eggleton, NSSN Co-Director and Director at Sydney Nano Institute

Professor Julie Cairney, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise and Engagement) at the University of Sydney, welcomed the participants, followed by NSSN Co-Director Professor Benjamin Eggleton, who highlighted the NSSN’s capabilities in activating collaborative R&D programs.

Investment NSW Associate Director for Industry Development Mr Lindsay Cohen addressed the audience on various state government programs and initiatives aimed at Accelerating R&D in NSW.

Kenneth Lam, CTO at Senstra, spoke about Senstra’s commercialisation journey noting the multiple stages involved in turning an idea into a real-world scalable solution for the industry.

The opening speeches were followed by a series of talks by the University of Sydney experts and researchers, including Greta Stevens, Professor Corrine Caillaud, and Professor KC Wong.

Associate Professor Corinne Caillaud from the University of Sydney’s School of Health Sciences provided a speech on using wearable sensors and digital technologies to design user-centric solutions enabling individuals to manage their health more effectively.

A leading expert in health, exercise physiology, sport and metabolism, Prof. Caillaud is an NSSN Ambassador and the Co-Chair of the Nano Sensors & Diagnostics cluster within the University of Sydney Nano Health initiative. She co-leads the Adolescents Health and Wellbeing in the Pacific Group at the Charles Perkins Centre, which brings together collaborators from across the Pacific region.

Associate Professor KC Wong from the University of Sydney’s School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering impressed the audience with a speech on solutions developed as a result of collaborative projects with the industry.

A pioneering researcher in Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Prof. Wong has worked on multidisciplinary airframe design, instrumentation, control, system integration, applications, flight testing and project management since 1988.

The event was concluded by a panel discussion on the opportunities and pitfalls in R&D commercialisation. Moderated by Prof. Benjamin Eggleton, the panel actively encouraged audience participation and led to a fruitful conversation between the speakers and participants.

The next event in this series will be announced shortly. Please check this page regularly for updates.

The NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) is a not-for-profit Innovation Network funded by the NSW Government through the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer. The NSSN brings together universities, industry and government to translate world-class research into innovative smart sensing solutions that create value for the economy, environment and society of NSW and beyond.

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